They begin in the Entrance Zone and are tasked with finding a way to rescue the stranded Scientists and stop the D-Class advance while navigating the maze that is the Heavy Containment Zone. Scientists await rescue from the Mobile Task Forces and surviving Security Guards still trapped in the facility, but are hunted down by both the Chaos Insurgency and SCPs. Whether they like it or not, they must often work together with the D-Class to combine their resources and escape together. D-Class are allied with the Chaos Insurgency, whose mission is to find and rescue them, and are considered enemies with all other factions.
Unarmed and unsupplied, they must work together to raid the facility for items they can use to save themselves while avoiding the various SCPs and security personnel on the prowl. D-Class: The former Death Row convicts who have taken the site-wide power outage as an opportunity to escape from their Foundation captors.